Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wow doggies! It's been a long time postin'. Happy New Year and a Belated Merry Christmas

This will have to suffice for our holiday letter. It's been quite awhile since I posted.

Let's see...what's been happening.....life is challenging, life throws curve balls, life is full of changes.....I see a theme here!!!

Aubri and Thomas will have been married for THREE years in February. I can't believe it!! They are flying off to Connecticut for Thomas' accounting internship with Delliotte and Touche (even the spellchecker doesn't know how to spell those). They are embarking on a wonderful adventure. They get to see new sites, live in a foreign place, meet new people, begin climbing the corporate ladder, fight against elements, grow, learn, experience, and have the time of their lives. We get to take care of their two birds until they come back in April.

Ian is having a great Senior year. He is such a delight. He's applying to colleges. He was selected for All State in the Men's Choir as a second bass. Holy cow that's low! This is really a big honor. Only two guys from the area were selected. He has seven pieces of music to memorize by January 16th and he just got them last week. Yikes!

Larry and I are busy working our private practice. I will look for something that will give us health benefits for the coming year.

That's about where we are. We wish each and every one of you a blessed New Year with love, laughter and spiritual deepening. We are so blessed to have the restored gospel in our lives and we are grateful for the love and sacrifice of our Saviour Jesus Christ. It's a great time to be on the earth.

Blessings to each of you,

Love from the Martins


Anonymous said...

Deloitte and Touche. You're Welcome! I don't always know how to spell those either. But mostly, we just call it Deloitte.

I'm excited, but I'll miss you.

Allanna said...

I'm going to miss Bri and Thomas, too. ^_^

And here's best wishes for some health care in 2009!!

And good on Ian, getting into that Men's choir! I was thrilled when he sang in our ward (AND I got to see you!!!!!1!)

And I am serious in my offer for you to drop my anytime to have my boy do his "rocket thumb" for you. ^_^

Laurie HF said...

Thanks for the update. How fun to have a way to keep up with friends!

Allanna said...

And, in response to your comments, I love you, too!!

Seriously, you have a serious following in the wards. I could totally start a fan club for you. Fo' realz!!

I thought you should know. ^_^